HiPC 2022 will feature the 14th Student Research Symposium on High-Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC) aimed at stimulating and fostering student research, and providing an international forum to highlight student research accomplishments. The symposium will also provide exposure to students to the best practices in HPC in academia and industry.
The symposium will feature student posters and provide students with other enriching experiences, such as workshops, industry exhibits, and demos. The Conference Reception and multiple Student Symposium Poster Exhibit sessions will provide an opportunity for students to interact with HPC researchers and practitioners (and recruiters) from academia and industry.
Accepted Papers for Student Research Symposium
Important Dates
Aug 22, 2022 – Submission Opens
Sep 28, 2022 – Submission Deadline (closed)
Nov 1, 2022 – Accept/Reject Decision Notification
Nov 15, 2022 – Camera-ready Deadline for the Abstract of Accepted Posters
Dec 18-21, 2022 – Symposium
Awards (sponsored by IEEE TCPP) will be given out to tentatively three posters based on technical merit, poster, and quality of presentation.
Travel Support
We expect to provide a travel scholarship to at least one student author of each accepted submission from an Indian university, subject to availability of funding. This scholarship will cover partial expenses for attending the conference. Further details on this scholarship and the application process will be provided later.
Symposium Co-Chairs
Dip Sankar Banerjee, IIT Jodhpur, India
Mahima Agumbe Suresh, San Jose State University, USA
Contact student_symposium at hipc dot org for more details.
Program Committee
Konduri Aditya, Indian Institute of Science, India
Jayvant Anantpur, Mentor Graphics India Pvt Ltd, India
David Anastasiu, Santa Clara University, USA
Manu Awasthi, Ashoka University, India
Swarnendu Biswas, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India
Suren Byna, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, USA
Sourav Chakraborty, Nvidia, USA
Gheorghi Guzun, San Jose State University, USA
Dumitrel Loghin, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Arash Mahyari, Florida Institute For Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC), USA
Amit Majumdar, University of California San Diego, San Diego Supercomputer Center, USA
Anand Mishra, IIT Jodhpur, India
Suresh Purini, International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad, India
Jaya Sreevalsan-Nair, Graphics-Visualization-Computing Lab, IIIT Bangalore, India
Sanket Tavarageri, Microsoft, India
Parimala Thulasiraman, University of Manitoba, Canada