HiPC Programming Contest Training Schedule


CPU Training Schedule


As a part of the HiPC Programming Contest CPU Track training, the following is the schedule:


Day 1 September 14      
  Topic Duration Speaker Time
  Introduction to oneAPI toolkit and acceleration library 120 Mins Krishna Mouli, Program Manager Data Science Boston IT Solutions 3:00 PM
Day 2  September 16 September 20  
  Topic Duration Speaker Time 
   Intel® oneAPI DPC++ 120 Mins Krishna Mouli, Program Manager Data Science Boston IT Solutions 3:00 PM


GPU Training Schedule


As a part of the HiPC Programming Contest GPU Track training, the following is the schedule:


Day 1 September 13      
  Topic Duration Speaker Time
  High Performance Computing and Accelerated Computing in India 30 Mins Ashish P Kuvelkar, CDAC 5.00 PM
  Introduction to GPU Computing; A100 architecture 60 Mins Dr Manish Modani, NVIDIA 5.30 PM

CUDA Computing (toolkit, overview, debugger, profiler);

CUDA computing samples (C, Fortran, NVCC) + Demonstration

120 Mins Dr Prathu Tiwari + Tanmaya, NVIDIA 6.15 PM
Day 2  September 14       
  Topic Duration Speaker Time 
  OpenACC + Demonstration 60 Mins Prof Rupesh Nasre, IIT Madras 5:00 PM
  HPC toolkit (CuBLAS, cuFFT) + Demonstration 60 Mins Prof Mahender Verma, IIT Kanpur 6:00 PM
  Optimization + Demonstration 60 Mins Gaurav Garg, NVIDIA 7:00 PM
Day 3 September 15      
  Topic Duration Speaker  Time
  Graph Processing on GPUs 60 Mins Dr Vishwesh Jatala, IIT Bhilai 5:00 PM
  Hands-on Session on Google Colab 60 Mins Dr Vishwesh Jatala, IIT Bhilai 6:00 PM


FPGA Training Schedule


As a part of the HiPC Programming Contest FPGA Track training, the following is the schedule:


Day 1 September 14      
  Topic Duration Speaker Time
  VITIS 120 Mins Parimal Patel, Xilinx 8:00 PM
Day 2  September 15      
  Topic Duration Speaker Time 
  VITIS 120 Mins Parimal Patel, Xilinx 8:00 PM
Day 3 September 16      
  Topic Duration Speaker  Time
  VITIS 120 Mins Parimal Patel, Xilinx 8:00 PM