HiPC 2022 Tutorials


The 29th annual IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics (HiPC 2022) will during December 18-21, 2022. Complementing the main technical program, HiPC organises user-centric tutorials. Tutorials offer attendees the chance to learn from and interact with leading experts in popular areas of high performance computing, data, and analytics. HiPC tutorials will be held on the first day of the conference and will typically be half-day events (3-4 hours). HiPC tutorial committee encourages “hands-on” tutorials, allowing attendees to try pre-prepared demos or exercises during the tutorial. Tutorials focusing on software development and/or performance analysis tools are appropriate for hands-on demos, but others may be as well.


Deadlines and Important Dates

Tutorial proposal submission       August 31, 2022
Tutorial proposal notifications      September 15, 2022
Tutorial website                           September 30, 2022


Tutorial Themes

The topics of the proposed tutorial should complement those listed in the main conference call for papers. Each tutorial should be centred around a coherent theme or topic related to HPC and/or scalable data science. Tutorial proposals will need to clearly state the purpose and the applications of the techniques in the abstract.


What/Where to Submit

Potential HiPC tutorial organizers should submit a tutorial proposal that contains the items listed below:
  • Description: title; topics to be addressed.
  • Names, affiliations and contact information for organizers.
  • The proposal should not exceed one page and should be submitted as a pdf file to the HiPC Tutorial Chairs at [email protected].


Tutorial Co-Chairs

Vivek Kumar, IIIT-Delhi, India