Call for Volunteers


HiPC is entirely a volunteer organized effort. The Steering Committee is considering key volunteers to help organize future events and continue to encourage broad community participation. Reaching the broader community in India is a major objective of the conference series. We are particularly interested in the India based community to help organize the event and participate in person at the meeting.


Prospective volunteers must have had previous HiPC or similar conference experience (for example, participating in the meeting, volunteer at the meeting including serving on the program committee, etc.). Nominations for volunteering in the organizing committee and/or in the program committee must be submitted electronically to [email protected]. Nomination should include a short bio of the nominee, current affiliation, conference experiences including any previous HiPC experience, purpose and motivation to be part of HiPC. Self-nominations are welcome. Student volunteers should contact the general cochairs.


The Steering Committee will consider nominations for volunteers for the upcoming event as well as future events. Most volunteer roles will be finalized at least 6 months prior to the meeting.


HiPC is committed to diversity, equity, and inclusion, in all of its activities, and aims to recruit volunteers representative of the diversity of the research community.


For information about past programs, people and places, please see the archives at