HiPC Year of Programming, Exploration and Research (HYPER)

HiPC 2020

“This year due to Covid-19, this event is cancelled”.

Call for Teams

We invite teams of students, practitioners from industry or entrepreneurs to apply to solve the proposed projects. In the case of student teams, there should be a faculty mentor. Teams will interact with the mentors to get more details on the project and make their bid for projects.

Typical team sizes should be 2 people, with not more than 4 in a team. Teams may apply to as many as 3 projects, with a priority order, to help with the match-making. Participating teams agree to post all code that is developed on a GitHub site with a royalty-free license. Team members must attend IndoSys and HiPC for the mid-term and final reviews.

●      Team Name

●      Faculty mentor (in case of student teams)

●      Members (Name, title, affiliation, email)

●      Projects applied for, in priority order. (1), (2), (3)

●      Technical skill set (100-200 words; justify why you’re competent to address these projects)

●      Prior  projects (100-200 words; what other projects have you worked on that has prepare you for this?)

●      Prior Publications (list any existing publications you have)

●      Internship (are you interested and willing to intern with the project institution, if offered?)

●      Undertaking (approvals, open source, attend IndoSys and HiPC, etc. )



Deadline for teams: March 31, 2020


Interested teams should register with the HYPER portal (to be announced soon). This will allow teams to see all the submitted proposals. Teams can bid for any proposal as soon as it is published.



Please email your submission (either a proposal or a participating team) in the above prescribed format (pdf) only to [email protected]



Proposals Due: February 29, 2020

Team submissions Due: March 31, 2020

Matchmaking done: April 07, 2020

Feedback from proposers on binding, Sponsors for championing: May 12, 2020

Mid-term Review at IndoSys: July 15, 2020

Project completion and checking code/video online on GitHub: Spe 30, 2020

Papers due: Oct 31, 2020

HiPC BoF: Dec 15, 2020