Instructions for EduHiPC Authors
EduHiPC Authors will need to produce the following
- Presentation Slides as a PDF file
- A 10-minute video that will be played during the virtual workshop
Instructions for the above two items are listed below
Instructions to Upload Presentation Slides as a PDF file to CPS
The deadline for uploading presentation slides PDF files to CPS paper site is December 8.
- See Guidelines below for preparing your slides.
- The file of presentation slides should be saved as a pdf and the name should start with hipcw2021_presentation and include last name of first author and a version number or date. Example: hipcw2021_presentation_Jones_23nov.pdf
- The presentation slides pdf file should be uploaded at the same site as the paper under the Supplemental Material heading. See the CPS Final Paper Preparation and Submission Instructions for HiPC Workshop AUTHORS link below. This is where you uploaded your paper for publication.
CPS Final Paper Preparation and Submission Instructions for HiPC Workshop AUTHORS
- The slides should serve to introduce the work and provide a high-level overview in 10-15 slides. In that sense, they are expected to be different from the set of slides used in a live presentation.
- Those viewing the slides will have immediate access to the paper, the “next best thing” to having the author presenting in person.
- The first slide should include title, authors, and reference to HiPC 2021. The final page should include authors’ contact information for follow-up questions.
Guidelines to Upload 10-min Videos for Virtual Workshop
Many applications can be used to record video, but Zoom offers a simple solution that provides solid results. The settings described in the pdf file and video of instructions below are specific to Zoom, although the basic guidance should work for any app you choose.
Instructions to upload the video recording will be provided to you soon. Please expect an email from [email protected] for the same in the next 2-3 days.