HiPC 2020



Wednesday, 16th December

HiPC 2020 is the 27th edition of the IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing, Data, and Analytics. The conference focus is not only HPC but also includes Data Science. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this year the conference will be held virtually on December 16, 17, and 18. Each day of the three day event will open with a keynote talk, followed by two one-hour live remote sessions to present the technical program of thirty-three peer reviewed papers. All papers accepted for the conference will be published as part of the proceedings that will be available before, during, and after the week of the scheduled conference. The online publication will include both papers and presentations (slides) for each paper. Access to the online publication is part of the free registration to attend the virtual live sessions. Click here to register. Below is the planned program schedule for the conference. Return regularly for updates and details on how to attend. All times below are India Standard Time (IST).


16th December 2020 (8:45 am - 9:00 am IST)

16th December 2020, TIME: 9 am to 10 am IST

Kathy Yelick

University of California at Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Computing and Data Challenges in Climate Change ​

Session Chair: Bora Ucar

Paper Presentations

Best Papers Session (10:10 am - 11:10 am IST)

Session Chair: Bora Ucar, Gagan Agrawal

SimGQ: Simultaneously Evaluating Iterative Graph Queries

Chengshuo Xu, Abbas Mazloumi, Xiaolin Jiang and Rajiv Gupta



WarpCore: A Library for fast Hash Tables on GPUs

Daniel Jünger, Robin Kobus, André Müller, Kai Xu, Weiguo Liu, Christian Hundt and Bertil Schmidt

SESSION 1: Applications (11:20 am - 12:20 pm IST)

Session Chair: Yogesh Simmhan

Towards High Performance, Portability, and Productivity: Lightweight Augmented Neural Networks for Performance Prediction

Ajitesh Srivastava, Naifeng Zhang, Rajgopal Kannan and Viktor K. Prasanna.


Performance Optimization and Scalability Analysis of the MGB Hydrological Model

Henrique R. A. Freitas, Celso Luiz Mendes and Aleksandar Ilic


Exploring Task Parallelism for the Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm

Michael Lingg, H. Metin Aktulga, Balasubramaniam Shanker, Stephen Hughey and Doga Dikbayir


SparsePipe: Parallel Deep Learning for 3D Point Clouds

Keke Zhai, Pan He, Tania Banerjee, Anand Rangarajan and Sanjay Ranka


HyPR: Hybrid Page Ranking on Evolving Graphs

Hemant Kumar Giri, Mridul Haque and Dip Sankar Banerjee


Distributing Sparse Matrix/Graph Applications in Heterogeneous Clusters — an Experimental Study

Charilaos Tzovas, Maria Predari and Henning Meyerhenke

Sponsor Presentations

Moderator: Vivek Yadav, Rama Govindaraju

KLA Sponsored Session (12:30 pm IST – start time)

Speaker: Dominic David, India Country President, KLA

NEC Sponsored Session (12:45 pm IST – start time)

Speaker: Abhishek Dixit, Associate General Manager HPC and AI , NEC Corporation India 

ARM Sponsored Session (1:00 pm IST – start time)

Speaker: Daniele Piccarozzi, ARM, Sr. Business Development Manager EMEA – ARM

Google Sponsored Session (1:15 pm IST – start time)

Speaker: Rama Govindaraju, Director of Engineering, Google


Thursday,17th December

17th December 2020, TIME: 9 am to 10 am IST

Animashree Anandkumar

California Institute of Technology and Machine Learning Research, NVIDIA

Role of HPC in next-generation AI

Session Chair: Gagan Agrawal

Paper Presentations

SESSION 2: Scalable Data Science (10:10 am - 11:10 am IST)

Session Chair: Amelie Chi Zhou

Processor Pipelining Method for Efficient Deep Neural Network Inference on Embedded Devices

Akshay Parashar, Arun Abraham, Deepak Chaudhary and Vikram Nelvoy Rajendiran


Avoiding Communication in Logistic Regression

Aditya Devarakonda and James Demmel


A Parallel and Scalable Framework for Insider Threat Detection

Abdoulaye Diop, Nahid Emad and Thierry Winter


Blink: Towards Efficient RDMA-based Communication Coroutines for Parallel Python Applications

Aamir Shafi, Jahanzeb Maqbool Hashmi, Hari Subramoni and Dhabaleswar K. Panda


Content-defined Container Delivery

Yuta Nakamura, Tanu Malik and Raza Ahmad


Model Checking as a Service using Dynamic Resource Scaling

Surya Teja, Yuvraj Singh, Adhish Singla, Suresh Purini and Venkatesh Choppella

SESSION 3: Algorithms (11:20 am – 12:20 pm IST)

Session Chair: Kamesh Madduri

Parallel Hierarchical Clustering using Rank-Two Nonnegative Matrix Factorization

Lawton Manning, Grey Ballard, Ramakrishnan Kannan and Haesun Park


Pipelined Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Methods for Distributed Memory Systems

Manasi Tiwari and Sathish Vadhiyar


Fair Allocation of Asymmetric Operations  in Storage Systems

Thomas Keller and Peter Varman


A GPU Algorithm for Earliest Arrival Time Problem in Public Transport Networks

Chirayu Anant Haryan, G. Ramakrishna, Rupesh Nasre and Allam Dinesh Reddy


2D static resource allocation strategies for load balancing in compressed linear algebra under communication constraints

Olivier Beaumont, Lionel Eyraud-Dubois and Mathieu Verite


Algorithms for Preemptive Co-scheduling of Kernels on GPUs

Lionel Eyraud-Dubois and Cristiana Bentes

Past Sponsor Presentations

Moderator: Vivek Yadav, Rama Govindaraju

AMD, Shell, IBM, AWS, TechData, Microsoft (12:30 IST - 13:00 IST)


Friday,18th December

18th December 2020, TIME: 9am to 10am IST

Fabrizio Petrini

Parallel Computing Lab Intel Corporation

Breaking the Scalability Wall​

Session Chair: Viktor Prasanna

Paper Presentations

SESSION 4 : Runtime Systems (10:10 am – 11:20 am)

Session Chair: Suren Byna

Understanding HPC Application I/O Behavior Using System Level Statistics

Arnab K. Paul, Olaf Faaland, Adam Moody, Elsa Gonsiorowski, Kathryn Mohror and Ali R. Butt


AMCilk: A Framework for Multiprogrammed Parallel Workloads

Zhe Wang, Chen Xu, Kunal Agrawal and Jing Li


Extending SLURM for Dynamic Resource-Aware Adaptive Batch Scheduling

Mohak Chadha, Jophin John and Michael Gerndt


On the Marriage of Asynchronous Many Task Runtimes and Big Data: A Glance

Joshua Suetterlein, Joseph Manzano, Andres Marquez and Gunag Gao


Exposing data locality in HPC-based systems by using the HDFS backend

Jose Rivadeneira, Felix Garcia-Carballeira, Jesus Carretero and Javier Garcia-Blas


PufferFish: NUMA-Aware Work-stealing Library using Elastic Tasks

Vivek Kumar


Design and Study of Elastic Recovery in HPC Applications

Kai Keller, Konstantinos Parasyris and Leonardo Bautista

SESSION 5: System Software and Architecture (11:30 am - 12:30 pm IST)

Session Chair: Kishore Kothapalli

Accelerating Force-directed Graph Layout with Processing-in-Memory Architecture

Ruihao Li, Shuang Song, Qinzhe Wu and Lizy K. John


Nonblocking Persistent Software Transactional Memory

Alan Beadle, Wentao Cai, Haosen Wen and Michael Scott


GPU-FPtuner: Mixed-precision Auto-tuning for Floating-point Applications on GPU

Ruidong Gu and Michela Becchi


Batched Small Tensor-Matrix Multiplications On GPUs

Keke Zhai, Tania Banerjee, Adeesha Wijayasiri and Sanjay Ranka


Temporal Based Intelligent LRU Cache Construction

Pavan Nittur, Anuradha Kanukotla and Narendra Mutyala


Boosting LSTM Performance Through Dynamic Precision Selection

Franyell Silfa, Jose Maria Arnau and Antonio González